The Battle of Cowpens

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

As the Americans won The Battle of Cowpens they started to take control of South Carolina. This war also helped to convince the last Americans that were not sure that they could win the war. The Continental Army was led by General Daniel Morgan, while the British Amy was led by coronel Banastre Tarleton. This battle help to show what would be the final result of the American Revolution, and give the patriots the confidence that this that started as a dream could be achieve if they continue doing things as they were doing them.

The American commander set up a genius strategy. He took advantage of the battlefield by placing sharpshooters on a hilltop. And the rest of the soldiers were placed in to lines but the British couldn´t see them. As usual the British army attacked straight on. The Continental soldiers that were uphill attacked the British. Then the British continue to advanced and face the American Militia. The Militia fired two volleys before retreating. 

As the Continental Militia retreats the British thought they had the victory and continue to advanced, but as they advanced they were surprised by the Continental Infantry. The Infantry begins its attacked and then the Continental Militia and the soldiers that were uphill went to support and surrounded the British army. With this they assured the victory.  

This showed that the Americans had all the chances to win and that they will never let them go. The American became more secure of their victory after this battle.     

George Washington

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Early Life
George Washington was born in Virginia on February 22, 1732. He s early studies included subjects like mathematics, surveying, and rules of civility. After his father died in 1743 George went to live with his half brother Lawrence. During his first jobs he surveyed the Shenandoah Valley. Soon after his brother Lawrence died he inherited Mount Vernon. In 1754, Washington began his service with the Virginia militia as a colonel. He served in the Ohio Valley and then he was asked to aid the British Army during the French and Indian War. In 1757 he resigned and got married. In 1774 Washington was asked to be a delegate to the First and Second Continental Congress’. Washington did not support independence until 1776.

Major Accomplishments
During the American Washington was the leader of the Continental Army. Under his leadership, the Continental Army won against Britain.

He was the first President of the United States of America. He became the President of the United States in 1789. He was the only president to obtain 100% electoral votes. He served as president for two terms and refused to serve a third term. Washington was who established a policy that a president can serve for a maximum of two terms.

In 1793, George Washington issued the Proclamation of Neutrality. He supported of building a central government, implementing a tax system and building a national bank.

Washington signed the Jay Treaty in 1795, which established peace with Britain.

Valley forge in a video

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Valley Forge

Even though no battle was fought at Valley Forge it was a turning point in the Revolution
The Continental Army arrived at Valley Forge on December 19, 1777 after several battles with the British. Since fall troops had problems with their supplies. In winter the problems became worse, a shortage of food happened and now soldiers received irregular supplies of meat and bread. These shortages forced the men to look for food in the forests and farm fields.
Conditions were so severe that General Washington wrote, "that unless some great and capital change suddenly takes place... this Army must inevitably... starve, dissolve, or disperse, in order to obtain subsistence in the best manner they can."  Feeding the 12,000 men at the encampment was only one of the problems. Washington also was having problems getting support from Congress. There were threats to his leadership. His officers were unhappy and he needed to better prepare the troops to meet the enemy in the coming campaign.
Another problem was clothing. Long marches had destroyed the troop shoes, they had few blankets, only some garments were replaced. At one point, these shortages caused nearly 4,000 men to be listed as "unfit for duty." Washington asked the Congress for help but it was not available and the soldiers continued to suffer. Wives, sisters, and daughters of the enlisted men tried provided some of the needed services such as laundry and nursing care.
In March things looked brighter, food and supplies started coming in. By April Baron von Steuben began to transform the bare hungry troops into a fighting force. In May French allied with the colonists, and with it military and financial support from France.
Six months after they arrived to Valley Forge a renewed army went towards Ney Jersey for their next battle against the British.
People who served at Valley Forge: Benedict Arnold, Nathanael Greene, Alexander Hamilton, Lafayette, James Monroe, Baron Von Steuben, Martha Washington, "Mad" Anthony Wayne, and others. Plus special reports on the officers, regiments, and surgeons who served.

Battle of Saratoga

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Breymann's Redoubt  - Battle of Saratoga The Battle of Saratoga is one of the most important battles fought during the war of the American Revolution.

In the year of 1776 the Continental Army had won the battles of Trenton and Princeton. These two victories gave them strength to continue fighting for their liberty. During this time the British had captured New York and it was under Royal Garrison´s control. As the will of the British to stop the Patriots they created a plan.
The British plan was to come from Canada and enter through New York to take control of Albany, New York. They had the idea that if they controlled one part of the Hudson River and the New York City then it will very easy to control the whole Hudson River.

As the British army arrived the Americans were already on their positions and block the path to Albany. The tactic the Continental Army used in this battle was Bemis Height. This consisted on putting cannons on heights. They represented a danger to the British Army. During this battle the continental army had another commander who was General Horatio Gates. The British army attacked in lines but it was impossible to pass through the Americans. As the day passed some German troops came to help the British but it was too late they had suffer a lot of losses. This happened in September 19, 1777.

As the battle went through in October 7 the British were running out of supplies and ammunitions. The British did a one last attack but without any result so they withdraw. They had not got so far when at the gates of Saratoga they were surrender by the Americans.

As the Americans won the Battle of Saratoga everything turned on their favor.  The French made a public alliance with the patriot and they gave them balance to the war. This means that the Patriot had as many opportunities to win the war as the British.
 Everything can turn in the best way if we learn how to handle the situations that we  are passing through.   

British Army vs. Continental Army

The British face the Patriots in the battles fought during the American Revolution. No one thought that the Continental Army could defeat the most powerful army of Europe.

The British were a well trained army. They had many cannons, bayonets,  supplies of food and provisions. This army had all the material they need to win the war. The British didn´t saw  the Patriots as a strong army that could defeat them. 
By the other hand the Continental army lack of all the supplies the British enjoyed. They lack food, clothe, shoes, arms and ammunitions. These soldiers passed through harsh times but their will to be free was stronger than any other thing. An important advantage the Continental army had was that it was guide by George Washington. He planned everything very well and his biggest ideal was to protect his army, this is how the tactic of “protracted war” emerged. This is one reason why the Continental Army resisted for so long.

The biggest difference among these two groups was that the Continental Army fought for freedom and they will never give up until they had accomplished their ideal or died while they had tried. While the British only fought to regain the power they had lost over the colonies. This show us that everything we do from our heart and in the best way we can there’s nothing that can stop us until we had accomplished this ideal.  
  Continental Army

Declaring Independence

viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Two motives sparked the American Revolution:

First colonists were outraged because British officials hired the services of foreign soldiers called “Hessian”. They were outraged for that because Britain was hiring outsiders to do the killing for them.

The second motive was because of Thomas Paine. He was a newly arrived immigrant to the colonists and with the help of Benjamin Franklin got a job at the Philadelphia magazine. On January 10 he anonymously published a pamphlet called “Common Sense” in which he wrote his views on the need of American Independence. The pamphlet sold 120,000 copies within a few months, and eventually sold 500,000 copies, or one for every five people in America, including slaves. Paine gave all the money earned with his pamphlet to the Congress, as a sign of patriotism.

On June 7, 1776 Richard Henry Lee, a Virginian, said that the colonies “are, and of a right ought to be, free and independent states.” Few days later a committee was appointed to draft a formal declaration.
The committee consisted of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was selected as the writer for three reasons according to Adams: First, he was a Virginian; Second: he was very recognized and popular; Third, he wrote fluently. Few weeks later Jefferson finished a document that will become recognized as one of the most eloquent political statements, although some of the grievances were exaggerated  and he declared all men were equal when many other Americans owed slaves and didn’t saw them as equal. The document was presented on Congress in June 28.

On July 2, 1776 Congress voted and decided America was free.

On July 4, 1776 the Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence.