In the year of 1776 the Continental Army had won the battles of Trenton and Princeton. These two victories gave them strength to continue fighting for their liberty. During this time the British had captured New York and it was under Royal Garrison´s control. As the will of the British to stop the Patriots they created a plan.
The British plan was to come from Canada and enter through New York to take control of Albany, New York. They had the idea that if they controlled one part of the Hudson River and the New York City then it will very easy to control the whole Hudson River.
As the battle went through in October 7 the British were running out of supplies and ammunitions. The British did a one last attack but without any result so they withdraw. They had not got so far when at the gates of Saratoga they were surrender by the Americans.
As the Americans won the Battle of Saratoga everything turned on their favor. The French made a public alliance with the patriot and they gave them balance to the war. This means that the Patriot had as many opportunities to win the war as the British.
Everything can turn in the best way if we learn how to handle the situations that we are passing through.
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